Saturday, August 14, 2010

A couple of weeks ago, our Sunday School class so graciously threw us a baby shower for Hudson! It was so much fun! There was a great turn out and Hudson got a lot of cool stuff!! I am finally finding a place for everything. We got a stroller, lots of books, diapers, toiletries, clothes and toys. We are so thankful for such an amazing group of friends that are so supportive and are always there for us.

Even more good news.... We received notice on Thursday that Hudson's Emigration Permission was submitted! This is the document that officially starts readying Hudson for his exit from Korea to the US. We still have a little bit of a wait, but we have learned to celebrate every step! I think the earliest travel date would be the last week of September, but we are anticipating October as more likely.

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  1. Looks like a lot of fun stuff! Won't be long!! ;)

  2. Wow! What a wonderful group of friends! I can't wait to meet that little Hudson.

  3. double wow! i think he will not be bored for at least 3 years! isn't it awesome to have friends who shower their love on you and Hudson?

    hope you're having fun on your mini vaca!
