Wednesday, December 23, 2009

We were in need of a serious vaca...

But then again, aren't we always up for a new place to visit?!

Anyway, a couple of weeks ago we, along with our good friends, Todd and Susana ventured to the snowy winterland of Estes Park, Colorado. I was so thrilled to go, Jonathan went skiing near there for one Spring Break and I've been dying for a reason to go. We found dirt cheap plane tickets back in October so we took it as a clear message to getaway.
After landing, we drove to Golden, where Coor's Brewery was founded and Buffalo Bill was laid to rest. It is the cutest little town and they were having a Newfoundland dog parade when we pulled in!! It was hilarious to see these HUGE dogs rigged up to sleighs pulling little kids!

We had a place at an amazing resort (thanks mom & dad) and took full advantage! After a power breakfast of all-you-can-eat waffles, our first day we decided to try our hand at snow shoeing in Rocky Mountain National Park. It is one of the most breath-taking places I've seen. We came across several Elk along the road-we had to drive extra sloooow because of all the snow!! Snow shoeing was fabulous. I love to hike, but this was awesome!
The wind was fierce, snow was heavy and the air was thin, but all-in-all it was great. We ate at a fantastic Costa Rican resturant (strange to be in little ol' Estes Park) and headed back to the cabin. The resort boasted of their incredible 3 hot tubs-but they are outdoor of course. We made an event of it and sprinted in our bathing suits through the foot of snow to the hot tub....awww so nice...

The next day consisted of skiing in Eldora. I was the only newbie so the pressure was on to learn fast. Luckily Susana is a very patient person and stuck with me. It was unexpectingly fun even if I fell A LOT. You would think I would get discouraged with all the 5 year olds zooming past me but I wasn't. The day ended with a bit of unanticipated excitement when Susana had her very first fall-which just so happened to be our last run. Her boot didn't pop out of her ski when she fell, causing her knee to twist along with the ski-lots of pain!! I thought she was laughing so I naturally started to giggle, when I finally got down to her, I realized these were NOT tears of joy... I skied as quickly as I could without falling and got someone to help. Needless to say, she had to be carted off in a stretcher/snowmobile by First Aid.

After another long trip home (once again: snowy, mountainous roads+no guard rails= slooow drive) we yes, you got it, sprinted to the hot tub. Well, Suz limped, the rest of us sprinted.
We had plans to go tubing and sledding the next day, but decided it would be best to take it easy. Instead we ventured to Fort Collins to visit the New Belgium Brewing Co. It is quite an impressive company where they make great strides to create a more energy efficient production facility and chain of logistics. We also stopped by the Stanley Hotel where Stephen King wrote and filmed The Shining.

All in all, another great trip!!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

We have now ventured into our 6 month on the Wait List... We're both starting to get a bit restless, but know that we still have a ways to go. The holiday parties and shopping have been a great distraction though. Saturday we are leaving for a mini vacation to Denver/Estes Park which we are excited about.

Last month was Charlotte's 2nd Birthday!! I cannot believe what a big girl she is! I remember the day she was born, it was a couple days before Thanksgiving and my sister and brother-in-law were living in Omaha at the Air Force base. Jonathan and I jumped in the car and loaded up the dogs when we got the call. After a very eventful road trip-Barkley was sick as a-well, dog to say the least. We had to make several stops along the way and didn't think we'd ever make it!

Charlotte LOVES Uncle Jon Jon...Lots of jumping on the bed!

We rolled into town in the evening, dropped the dogs off and headed to the hospital. It was so exciting! We luckily missed the labor portion and arrived in time to see the beautiful baby girl(at this point there was not an official name). Rachael and Chris were naturals and it was so fun to be called an Aunt!!

The dogs are very entertaining!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Operation Craft Fair: Complete

Some of you may know that my older sister Laurie and I have been running our very own sweat shop with ourselves as the only employees for the past few months. I made a TON of jewelry, picture frames, and a whole lot of baby gifts. Laurie is a nurse at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Mn. Every year they have a massive craft fair and this year we decided, 'Why not rent a booth?' Well, the day finally arrived after an 11 hour drive to Minnesota -not to mention a couple near death experiences due to middle-of-the-night driving adventure with my parents. This was our first venture at a Craft Fair, so we learned a lot, but more importantly, we made a decent amount of cash!! I also want to mention my INCREDIBLE mom and sister, Rachael who worked tirelessly at sewing and contributing to our inventory.

We also managed to fit in a trip to the Pannekoeken-Dutch Family Restaurant. Famous of course for their Dutch style pancakes. While Laurie had the seasonal Pumpkin Pannekoeken and my mom had the traditional Pecan Pannekoeken, I kept it Southern and had a Bacon Pannekoeken. IT WAS ABSOLUTLEY FAB!! A little syrup+bacon= pure heaven. The best thing about this place is the fact that the waitresses bring each Pannekoeken out chanting, "Pannekoeken, Pannekeoken, Pannekeon" (see Northern Fargo accent). I guess it's just one of those places you have to visit first hand to get the full experience.
Here are a few of our best sellers- Tie and Bow Tie onesies and my neice, Charlotte modeling the Ruffle Onesie...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

November is National Adoption Month

**Disclaimer: This post is not meant to be political or religious, I just thought the material was moving. I hope you do too...


All children deserve a safe, loving family to protect and care for them. In America, thousands of young people are waiting for that opportunity. During National Adoption Month, we honor those families that have strengthened America through adoption, and we recommit to reducing the number of children awaiting adoption into loving families.
America is a country rich in resources and filled with countless caring men and women who hope to adopt. These individuals come from all walks of life, united in their commitment to love a child who is in need of the protective arms of a parent. We must do more to ensure that adoption is a viable option for them. By continually opening up the doors to adoption, and supporting full equality in adoption laws for all American families, we allow more children to find the permanent homes they yearn for and deserve.
This month, we also focus on children in foster care. These children are not in the system by their own choosing, but are forced into it by unfortunate or tragic circumstances. These young people have specific needs and require unique support. Federal, State, and local governments, communities, and individuals all have a role to play in ensuring that foster children have the resources and encouragement they need to realize their hopes and dreams.
The course of our future will depend on what we do to help the next generation of Americans succeed. This month, we celebrate those families brought together by adoption and renew our commitments to children in the foster care system.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 2009 as National Adoption Month. I call upon all Americans to observe this month by reaching out to support and honor adoptive families, as well as to participate actively in efforts to find permanent homes for waiting children.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of October, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fourth.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Fall that even a word?

Aren't these just fabulous? I have to admit, I typically don't go all out with enormous amounts of holiday decor, but finally after 3 years of being married, I now feel it is my domestic duty to make our house more festive.

Here is my latest obsession-glittered pumpkins...
Buster liked them before they were glittered, but he especially LOVED them afterwards... I found him under the bed trying to eat is the one that is especially glittery since I had to reapply glitter to that one.

I also fashioned this fancy wreath from a bouquet of clearance flowers that I spray painted black...

All I needed was a little motivation-which came from hosting my fabulous Sunday School class last week for the Razorback game. Jonathan and I are so blessed to have an incredible church family, not to mention awesome friends.

In other news, Saturday marks our 3rd month on the Waiting List. Hopefully the holidays will make these next few months fly by, as I am getting more and more anxious. We hope to hear of a referral around February, but that's being optimistic. More to come...

Sunday, September 13, 2009

End of Summer...

Well the summer is coming to an end...Sad to see it go but even more excited for the fall !! Jonathan has made the big leap and went back to school to get his Masters. He is highly motivated to finish quickly, so he is taking 2 classes at a time and should be able to finish in a year and half or so. So that means 2 nights a week I'm alone at home for 4 hours. This is what sparked my interest in finally do a home project we've talked about for a few months...Hardwood floor. We had Lowe's do our living room a couple years ago and had some left over flooring and since Boscoe has decided to start eating the carpet in the guest room, we figured now was the perfect time. Me being such a DIYer and completely obsessed with HGTV, I was convinced we would try it ourselves...Well, we actually had a lot help from our friend, Tyler. One night while Jonathan was at class, I ripped up the carpet and tack strips and by the weekend, Tyler had helped us install the floor. Not bad for a first endeavor.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Officially on the Wait List!!

As of July 10th, we are officially on the Wait List!!! Wahoo!! So technically we have up to a 12 month wait, but from the looks of it, the average wait time it is about 7 months and then an additional 3-6 months before traveling. Let's hope it goes quickly...

So here is the timeline thus far:
12/29/08--Application 1 Submitted
02/05/09--Application 2 Submitted (the agency tells me I got all paperwork completed in record time!) Yes, I am just that compulsive about some things!
02/07/09--Attend workshop in Little Rock
05/04/09--Home Study visit #1
05/11/09--Home Study visit #2

We got our packet on Saturday right before heading down to Booneville for our friends, Michael and now Megan Mueller's wedding! The wedding was gorgeous and it was so great to catch up with college friends!

I also have been working around the house on various projects to pass the time... Jonathan is getting scared of me and my dangerous addiction to spray paint. BUT, I do have to post a pic of the newest addition to the living room. After selling some of our old furniture on Craig's List, I bought this awesome chair I've been eyeing for weeks. I had been dying to reupholster an ottoman I had stored in the attic for 3 years now and I just so happen to stumble upon the EXACT same fabric at Hancock. Check it out...Not bad for my first project!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

It's Been Awhile...

Ok, so a lot has happened since I last wrote... Pretty boring stuff actually, but blogable I suppose. I've decided I'm going to keep up better with this whole blog thing, whether I have anything to say or not. So here we go...

well actually she didn't crash or anything

So I'm starting off on a bittersweet note. After much discussion, Jonathan and I decided to sell our Nissan Xterra (aka Terry Dan, Yedi, etc). Considering we work in the same building and typically spend most weekends together, it didn't seem reasonable to keep her knowing the HUGE adoption expenses that are coming. We figure we could go a year with just one car and hopefully put off buying another one until our Federal Adoption Tax credit comes. Let's hope we can manage... She went to a wonderful couple in Oklahoma and we're thankful we were able to sell her pretty quick.

I was recently promoted at work. Small promotion, yet still a long, hard fought one. Thanks to my boss for doing the work and getting it approved!! Ok that is all I've got for now...Stay tuned..

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Home Study Approved!!

We are officially approved by our Social Worker for our Home Study!! Hooray! She was so nice and the whole thing couldn't have gone better! One more step down. Now we just have to wait for her to finish writing up the report and send to the agency where they will review and hopefully get us on the Wait List end of June or July. From there it's another 'up to 12 months'... Hopefully sooner though! Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Great gifts for Mother's Day! Email if interested!!

Round Rhodium Pendant on
Sterling Silver chain with Mother of Pearl disk $26

Large Zinc Rounder with Names & Bdays
on Sterling Silver chain $26

Zinc Double Rounder with Names and Bdays
on Sterling Silver chain $30

Zinc Rounder pendant with a Sterling Silver
chain with a small pearl $26

Zinc Rounder with Names and Birthdates
with Brass ring on Sterling Silver chain $26

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Check it out the goods...

Single Initial Heart Sterling Silver
Pendant with Sterling Silver Chain

Monogram Square Rhodium
Pendant with Sterling Silver chain

Name & Birthdate Rhodium
Rectangle Keyring

Single Initial Oval Sterling Silver
Pendant with Sterling Silver Chain

Single Initial Heart Sterling Silver
Pendant with Sterling Silver Chain

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

*20 Questions*

Since making our announcement to adopt, we have several people asking SEVERAL questions. Don't get us wrong, we love the interest and support and have done enough research, we could probably teach a class. Anyway, here are 20 quick Q & A's about the adoption process and our experience so far.

1. When did you make the decision to adopt?
It's something we've always had interest in and talked about but made the official decision in December.

2. Are you adopting domestically or from another country?

3. What country?

South Korea

4. What made you decide?
There were a few factors: We couldn't find an agency that would give us specifics on length of the process and exactly how much it would cost. Most answers were incredibly large ranges and we just weren't comfortable. Korea seemed right to us.

5. How long will it take?
After the Home Study is completed, it can be up to a 12 month wait until we receive the referral of a child. Then it is another 3-6 months before we are approved to travel to pick he/she up.

6. What is a home study?
A home study is when the social worker comes to your house to ensure that it is safe and adequate for a child. They also ask TONS of questions about your childhood, parents, marriage, discipline techniques, etc. Our social worker will meet with us twice before writing her report. She then sends the report to our agency who then sends it to the agency in Korea.

7. Do you get to pick the gender?
In S. Korea, you can 'prefer' a gender. There are no guarantees however. We did not pick.

8. Will you travel to pick up your child?

9. How old will the child be?
Most likely between 8-12months

10. Where are you in the process?
We have been assigned a Social Worker finished our Home Study

11. Do the children live in orphanges?
In most countries, yes; however, in South Korea most live in foster homes

12. What agency are you going through?
Dillon International (Tulsa, OK)

13. How much does it cost?
Prices vary by country. It all depends on their fee and then the agency's fee. S. Korea will ballpark around $30,000 including travel!!

14. Why does it costs so much?
There is A LOT of legal paperwork which requires people to faciliate and ready the documents, travel costs, medical records, Immigration forms, etc... Also, since in Korea most children are raised in Foster families until being adopted, a substantial amount goes to them toward the care of the child.

ok I lied, I could only come up with 14 if you have more!

Monday, April 20, 2009


Hello Friends and Family!

For those of you who don't already know, Jonathan and I are adopting our first child from South Korea. We are right smack in the middle of the process and we are definitely feeling a pinch to the wallet. I have been making hand made gifts for years now and what better way to enjoy a hobby and make a little dough?

I've put my most creative foot forward to explore ways to raise a few funds to help curb the outrageous cost. If your interested, take a look at some of my latest projects!