Here are some random pictures for your viewing pleasure... Meanwhile, we get Hudson in 1.5 hours!!!! Then we're off tomorrow morning at 7 with another couple, Ed and Amanda who is picking up Crews. We started talking via the Dillon forum knowing that we would probably travel together since we got our referrals the same day. They live in Houston so it is nice to have a connection since I'm sure we will be visiting Rachael there soon.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Here are some random pictures for your viewing pleasure... Meanwhile, we get Hudson in 1.5 hours!!!! Then we're off tomorrow morning at 7 with another couple, Ed and Amanda who is picking up Crews. We started talking via the Dillon forum knowing that we would probably travel together since we got our referrals the same day. They live in Houston so it is nice to have a connection since I'm sure we will be visiting Rachael there soon.
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tonight, Hudson we will get to keep Hudson for good, but don't worry, we won't scare him with any stories of the DMZ (just stories of a 13 hr. flight and a bunch of dogs waiting for him at the house.)
Thursday, September 16, 2010

- He sleeps from 11-7 sometimes waking for a bottle.
- He naps at 11am for only an hour (I think I get more sleep than this kid)
- He must sleep with his Foster mom
- He only eats organic, otherwise his eczema flares up
- He has very sensitive skin
- He eats apples, pears, rice with vegetables
- He bathes at noon because FM thinks he gets cold and it is the best time of day for his skin
- He is scared of dogs (yikes)
- He had 8 teeth, 4 top, 4 bottom
- He has been walking well since 11 months
- He drinks milk-based formula
He likes to ride in the stroller but likes to stand up...hmm

We started to wrap up the questions and it was already 11:15-15 minutes after his nap. All of the sudden, he walks behind me and puts his hands around my neck! He was trying to ride on my back like he does with his FM! It was so funny! FM and the social worker thought it was hilarious! She kept calling for him to come so they could go and kept tight and didn't want to let go around my neck! Finally she reached in her bag and revealed the mother of all bribes...Shrimp puffs. He immediatly jumped off ran to them!! She gets these at the Organic Market. We will be shipping crates
All in all, fabulous visit. We had such low expecations because we knew he was going to be really scared but it went great!
Seoul searching.... (I can't resist the puns..)
After that, we grabbed some food -roasted pork and vegetables for me (very spicy!) and Pan broiled squid for Jonathan. Then we did some shopping in Insadong for some authentic Korean souvenirs for Hudson. We bought a World Cup jersey and a name chop (stamp) with his Korean and American name. We also wanted to go to Dongmyo because there was a Toy market we had heard about from our friends back in Fayetteville. Well, we searched FOREVER. We were so tired and ready to go home. We finally found a girl who could read English, kind-of. After several more blocks we made it! Of course by this time everyone was closing! I ran into a few stores and just started picking up Pororo toys and leaving Jonathan to pay while I ran to the next store. We, of course managed to buy a little wooden baseball bat in addition to some bath toys, trucks, stickers and crayons.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
I found out Friday when I was boarding a plane from NY (on business). Our social worker literally called right as the flight attendant was telling people to turn off 'all your electronic devices..blah blah..' She was getting very irritated with me since I kept saying into the phone, "Are you serious..but..but.. really??" Wow..Shocker. Now I had to keep myself from going crazy during the remaining 2 hour flight until I got home.
We booked our travel and are leaving Wednesday, returning next Monday.

Buster is super excited for Hudson's arrival. He has been 'testing' all of his toys to make sure they are safe...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Saturday, August 14, 2010
A couple of weeks ago, our Sunday School class so graciously threw us a baby shower for Hudson! It was so much fun! There was a great turn out and Hudson got a lot of cool stuff!! I am finally finding a place for everything. We got a stroller, lots of books, diapers, toiletries, clothes and toys. We are so thankful for such an amazing group of friends that are so supportive and are always there for us.
Even more good news.... We received notice on Thursday that Hudson's Emigration Permission was submitted! This is the document that officially starts readying Hudson for his exit from Korea to the US. We still have a little bit of a wait, but we have learned to celebrate every step! I think the earliest travel date would be the last week of September, but we are anticipating October as more likely.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
So we're back! We got back from New Orleans a few weeks ago. We had a great time with Jonathan's parents. We saw the entire city. We even went on a Swamp Tour! We experienced some odd behavior by some baby Russian boars and of course lots of alligators. Both animals had a sweet tooth for marshmellows which is what the tour guide would toss out every couple minutes. We visited a couple of the historic city cemetaries which I found very cool. We also walked around the Garden District which is where the town's celebrities and wealthy live. We saw the homes of Anne Rice, Nick Cage, Sandra Bullock and Archie Manning just to name a few.
Of course we ate some awesome Seafood, went to the French market and visited the aquarium . It was definitly an action packed few days, but worth every minute!