As of Feb. 19, weight 7.7kg, height 69cm, head 41.8cm, chest 41.2cm
We thought his behavior sounded a bit different than when we got our first information. In the first email they told us how he was sleeping mostly through the night, he was quiet and mild-tempered, so we were somewhat surprised reading how much he had changed...and then we read the last sentence, "There is also a one month old foster baby boy in the home". Well, no wonder! he is probably a little jealous trying to figure out this new 1 month old that is getting some of his attention! Poor little guy!
It is so funny to watch this in Korean, especially when they are opening the stuff we sent! I would LOVE to find someone to translate especially when they are looking through the picture album and start busting out with laughter! I'm hoping they're looking at the photo of the dogs and not laughing at us...
Anyway, it is so good to see how well he is being taken care of, we can tell Mr. and Mrs. Choi give a lot of love to him and other babies. We are so thankful for them and their kindness.